Wednesday, December 7, 2011

WTFilm?! Reviews: 300

That's the one with all the soldiers and the big hole right?  Snooze.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

WTFilm?! Reviews: The Thing (2011)

A few weeks ago we went to see the new version of The Thing.  I really enjoyed it but wasn't sure about K's thoughts.  Then, the following arrived in my inbox:

"I went in to the movie thinking The Thing was a creepy crawling hand but I quickly found I was sadly mistaken.  I don't know, the whole alien thing usually doesn't do it for me. Now if it were a 3 million year old mastodon that was re-birthed from the ice and started devouring people that would be something to talk about!  Another difficulty I had was that every time I saw the snow vehicles it instantly transported me back to the The Shining, which, lets be honest, there is just no comparison.  All in all it was entertaining but not a re-watcher for me."

Friday, September 9, 2011

Primus Postus

This blog is about my girlfriend. She really, really does not like sci-fi movies.  Whenever she is forced to watch them, her mind wanders and what she recalls about the movie is unintentionally hilarious.  So I am going to make her watch some classic (and some not-so-classic movies) and have her write reviews about them.

She has never seen Star Wars (except ep 4).
She has never seen any of the Alien movies.

The genesis for the blog was the following conversation we had with some friends at a bar a few mights ago:

GF: "I don't like Batman movies, either!"
Us: "What about Batman Begins?  That was a pretty dang good movie, did you not see that one?"
GF: "Oh yes, I saw that one and I did actually like it.  Michael Keaton was really good!"
Us: o_O
So in the spirit of good fun she has agreed to write her reviews of some scifi movies.  Any suggestions for the first movie to be reviewd?  I'm thinking "Alien"